NEirie 2.0 Model

NEirie 2.0 Model

❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀ Created as a replacement, or a 2.0 version of Eirie when the little pixie wandered off, NEirie has a much higher problem-solving and independence level than her predecessor. As a result, her exit from the facility was completely intentional, done after convincing their creators to let her go search for the original pixie. As soon as she was out of range of immediate pursuit, she cut out her tracking device and headed off to freedom, meeting up with Eirie and her new friends. She quickly fell in love with the shy little thing, and has adopted a big-sister mentality, taking care of the more delicate and low-energy Eirie dutifully. ❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀☆♡❀



NEirie 2.0 Modelの写真・動画

NEirie 2.0 Modelのモデル