Rebecca (Becky)
/ Ivory (Knight's Pawn)
A young girl with a strong sense of justice and a desire to be a hero, having been raised on stories of people of noble intent stopping criminals and supervillains. Her affinity is Earth Associated Planets: Saturn, Kronus, Orcus Designation: Pawn Nickname: Becky




The Solfege's basic BattleGrid uniform, IVORY model. Customized by Dory, Mina and Lavinia to suit the team's needs both in the Grid and in combat with Astratherions. Layered with three sheets of protective Mythril, state of the art ports for engram recording and synchronization and a layer of carbon nanotubes for flexibility. The skirt is an extra addition Mina made for the Pawns, serving to give their silhouette the iconic pawn shape. ---- Part of the "Solfege" series of models. One of several models I had made, originally in a bid to anthropomorphize chess pieces, but latter changed into something else (namely characters for an idea of a story I have) though still connected to chess. As such the characters seen here are more for display purposes, and are not intended to be for use for say, Vtubing, they are also works in progress. Aside from the emblem on their torso, all assets used are 3rd party, albeit modified. I do not claim ownership of those assets. Owing to the limit on link items, I must also mention the hairstyles are linked on the non-pawn models.


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