β Ver AvatarSample_2

β Ver AvatarSample_2

VRoid Project
茶色のボブに、翡翠のような丸い瞳が可愛い女の子。 5人兄弟の末っ子で、ちょっぴり甘えん坊な愛されキャラ。素直な性格で、特技はお菓子作り。 自分の作ったお菓子を、みんながおいしそうに食べてる様子をながめるのが幸せ。 誕生日:7月7日 星座:蟹座 β Ver AvatarSample_2 is the cute youngest child of five siblings. She's beloved and just a little bit spoiled. Her brunette hair is styled in a bob and she has rounded eyes, like jade. She’s pretty straightforward and enjoys baking sweets. She also loves looking at the delighted expressions of those enjoying her cooking! Birthday: July 7th Sign: Cancer



β Ver AvatarSample_2の写真・動画

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