Have more fun playing with your VRoid Hub characters!
You can easily call up characters uploaded to VRoid Hub to use in linked apps. You can link many kinds of apps, so go ahead and play one that suits your interests! You can use any VRM model, even one that was created in a program other than VRoid.
パスパルトゥー2は苦悩する売れない画家シミュレーションアドベンチャーゲームだよ!このゲームはVRoid Hubと連携してゲーム内に自分の好きなモデルを召喚してを遊ぶことができるすごいゲームなんだ!
Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist is an artist simulation adventure game! In this world, you can change your avatar and play any character available on the VRoid Hub.