
your english isnt broken at all, i can understand you just fine. im happy to hear you want to join the server, i will try to help you out over there with all questions you have o(≧▽≦)o
i noticed your comment ^^ but you dont have to remove them for others. for all i care everyone can see that vroid users connect with each other ・∀・ if you want to connect some more, youre very welcome to join the discord server i linked in the character profile of Des. you can also ask for help about vroid there and find free clothes to try on too. if you want i can delete my comments too after you notice them, just let me know what you feel more comfortable with
I am so sorry ಥ_ಥ please dont feel like talking to a sensei, im just having fun with vroid too like you ^^ and i am slow on typing too. i often dont know what to say and im clumsy with words. thats why im again very sorry if my words were causing you distress.
about the character clipping: when you go into edit mode on the hoodie, on the left side where your layers are, above it somwhere you should see a small box saying "skin mask" and when you click it you should see a white body layer with a black top drawn on it. you can draw with black and white, all black areas of your body will become invisible, all white areas are visible. so if you draw with black on the areas where clipping happens, that would fix it without having to change your actual body skin
the commenting function on this site is really hard, i couldnt @ you for some reason. I wanted to say dont worry too much, i noticed you saying that you are new to vroid and the hub. I didnt want to sound harsh because of that. When you export directly from VRoidStudio to the hub, the VRoidStudio Tag gets automatically added, but that Tag is really helpful so others can find your creation. I really hope my little comment yesterday was in no shape or form discouraging you from creating and uploading your characters in the future o(≧▽≦)o