
🧚🏼‍♀️🌹 #VRoidStudio #summer #fairy
Thank you! I hope you're well too!
Meow ♪
@パン田シンジツawe.. thanks for letting me know 💕okay I’ll try not to comment every post I like of yours & only stick to one lol 😆  o yeah I just realised Hotaru means firefly in english 😯I always thought it was forest or fireworks lol I’m actually not going to be around, starting from monday, I’m going back to see my family, so I’ll be away for 1 or 2 weeks.   going to post my video now, hope you like it, only watch it when you have time, see you later mr panda bear 😋/
I'm looking forward to your next video. By the way, I'm getting busy at work, so I might not be able to reply as much as I used to. I'll read all the messages though.
Meow ♪
@パン田シンジツyes capcut connects to tiktok, I sometimes edit my videos there, then save them on to my ipad for youtube, if you see sparkles in my videos, that usually means I edited them on tiktok lol the butterflies are made from stickers, they have all sort of stickers there, like flowers, rabbits, cats, fairies & many more stuff.. some have animation & some don’t.. you’ll know what I mean when you see my next video 😋
Wow! There are fairies and butterflies flying! I didn't know there were effects like this! I have to look for them lol