
青森旅行の風景 といいながら日立海浜公園のコキアの紅葉風景w ほたる「青森旅行の立ち寄りとしては近すぎない?」 私もそう思ったがこの風景を私が見たがっていたのを嫁が知ってねじ込んでくれたww ほたる「やー見事に真っ赤っかだね」 うみゅ!何年か越しの野望がかなった瞬間やね。 ほたる「野望て・・・・」
@Meow ♪
o so your wife is a tiny bit taller than me lol yeah I was thinking if Hotaru was a little bit taller, it would look very close to my parents height lol also the kochia kinda reminds me of marimo lol 😆
@Meow ♪ My wife isn't as small as Hotaru though. I'm 185cm and my wife is 155cm lol. If you convert cm to feet we're close to your mother and father. I was going to make Makoto the same height as me but Hotaru was too small so I made her 5cm shorter. But even then her face was on top of the screen lol
@Meow ♪
my dad was 6.2 ft & my mum is about 5 ft, I’m a tiny bit taller than my mum lol yeah I thought maybe you & your wife was the same height as Hotaru & Makoto lol
@Meow ♪ I'm also on the tall side for a Japanese person, so there's about the same height difference between me and my wife lol. From a Japanese perspective, Westerners all look tall. It's amazing that you're especially tall among them. How tall was your father?
@Meow ♪
o so Hotaru is really short lol I always thought Makoto & Mina were just very tall 😆the height differences is almost like my parents lol my dad was very tall.