Erihther Makita
/ Codename: Erihther
Powers: Homer Ball (The Simpsons Game)




Erihther is a boy with cerebral palsy. He is nonspeaking and can be fussy and will throw a tantrum. Even when there is entertainment, toys, and games that was placed in the special needs classroom, he'll only want them for himself despite being told to be polite and behave. A certain event caused him to become an obese ball by Jurakan, that way he learns the hard way if easy can't teach him anything. Finally, he was taken by Umbrella HQ (with the leader being Chris Redfield) and taken him to his room. He finally got to be alone and can remain in his room since he is now prohibited, but not before feeling very lonely. Worse yet, he began to get less company and only gets visited by Flower when he eats, now eating alone during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He cries in agony now knowing that he just threw away what he should've been grateful for and only caused panic. He finally realized that being both spoiled and bratty will get you nowhere as people are trying to do their best to give the support a special needs person needs, Not to mention that he still has loads of development delays and being diagnosed with a learning disability that causes the brain to permanently function like a learning toddler. He is now getting more company thanks to Cat being there for him while still being in the virtual world. Erihther is the son of Yeller Makita.


Angel Dracko しました
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