Zlata Fiserova
/ Ophelia Strange
Age: 17-18 Species: Mutant Race: Czech, Romanian Powers: Chlorokinesis




Member of the Future Foundation, former member of the Mephistophiles Followers, and anti-antagonist turned protagonist. Quiet, ladylike, formal, elegant, regal, and a bit on the weirder side, she has a complex motive yet understandable tragic background. At first, she is seen caring for Soro Mochin, A.K.A. Steatybear, and gives her full name Ophelia Strange. She then leaves after caring for his needs. It is until later revealed that she's a member of the Mephistophiles Followers. Soro tries but fails to reason with her and was forced to beat her in battle with his companions. Defeated, Ophelia explains that she did that because she almost felt attached to him and his friends, and that she felt that eliminating them or surrendering them to her boss would bring her at ease and less pain, not even trusting herself because she's a Gypsy girl in a Gypsy background, and being called a witch by her family and other people. People she felt attached to and had to remove herself from them in order to survive. Ophelia reveals her true identity as Zlata Fiserova, a Gypsy girl who has the ability to manipulate plant life. The next day, she joins the team and reveals the whole group the identities of each Follower. Zlata, codenamed Ophelia Strange, plays as Support for the team. Powers: Chlorokinesis: Zlata can manipulate plant life and utilizes this by making the plants secrete poisonous and hallucinate toxins, create vine whips, make pathways, etc. Healing: Can heal others and herself. With this ability, she could even restore plant matter back to life and healthy again.


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