【The credits are in the description. Terms of use are on the main page.】 Rusk的仿造物「瑪喬蓮・富尼耶」誕生於網谷製造所。暱稱為翻糖。對完美仿製計劃並無興趣。她是喜歡涼爽的風與乾燥食物的邊境勇士。 Marjolaine Fournier, the imitation of Rusk, was born in Amiya Manufactory. Her nickname is Fondant. She is not interested in the Perfect Imitation Project. She is the frontier fighter who loves brisk wind and dried food.

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You wanna play the game, don't you? Note: Amiya Tadakiyo has updated this model; the latest version was released on February 2, 2025. Hairpins and shoes made by Itchi: hub.vroid.com/en/users/1670015 Gloves made by BAR Angel Kiss: hub.vroid.com/en/users/40519799 Skin made by Kado: hub.vroid.com/en/users/76637545 Clothes made by me. Inspired by Pearl (PlayBox's mascot) whose VRM file is made by ILUUNC: hub.vroid.com/en/users/67061474

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by みや
by Angel
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