/ Diaper Aloisa
Aloisa is a very motherly, sweet great goblin, who always puts others before herself. She's about as sweet as they come, wanting nothing more than to bring comfort and joy to others. She used to steal everything she could get her hands on, but stopped when she realized how much it made people upset. She often takes in orphans, and raises them herself. When she isn't being a mom, she will go to clubs, and dance. She will never do this if she is currently taking care of an orphan. She's one of the smartest goblins of all time, and has made countless discoveries with mana that not even elves could master.

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I... n-n-no... I don't... I don't mess myself! You're probably smelling the uh... um... the toilet! I was cleaning the toilet! I swear it isn't my great goblin genes catching up with me.


by Alice
by suika
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