Brock Nikumai
/ Brock Nikumai
Age: 18 Species: Human Race: Japanese Avatar Persona: Aulom Element: Megido Weapon: Pistol




A college student at Hope's Peak High and the younger brother of Izumi Nikumai. He is also a Persona-user. Courageous, energetic, and jolly as he makes his dreams of being a famous photographer come to light. However, he also has a huge jealousy against Izumi, since she gets more popularity whereas he gets left in the dark. Or so he thinks. In reality, everyone acknowledges his skills, it's just that he doesn't see it nor hear it from them as the focus centers on Izumi the most thanks to her journalistic enthusiasm that gets her perfect scoops. Even he sees his parents praising his sister more than him, seeing as if his suspicions are clear from the start, thus falling into a deep depression. He tries to impress everyone, but the only thing he gets is little praise or awkward comments on his work. Or worse, a blunt, harsh response to it. He finally reached a breaking point and purposely slipped on top of the school roof at about 5 stories high and falling to the ground, with blood splattering on the grass. Fortunately, he suffered only minor injuries such as a broken leg and ribs, a bleeding chest and head wounds, and being conscious until passing out when being driven to the hospital. It was his genetics of having a body as strong as steel to the point that he can withstand even the toughest of blows. Upon being visited by Yuru and Dustin and being informed about their knowledge to how Brock got his powers as a Persona-user, Brock explains everything as to what has happened to him while in the Night Realm. After recovering fully to his strength, he was released from the hospital and continues to become a photographer, finally receiving the love and consideration shown to him. Izumi resigned her position as a journalist to help out Yuru and Dustin.


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