/ Valentine




A confectioner Romani who owns a shop near Magical Rebellion's front called Candied Rose. A ten year old boy was using his younger sister's transformation broach to try and steal Ripple's belt. If he failed his sister (who was only seven at the time) would have died. Desperate, the child attacked Ripple, forcing her to fight him. Valentine saw everything and knew the boy well enough to realize that something was very wrong. He ran interference, restraining the child and getting him to tell them what was going on. Noticing that the transformation broach was reacting to the confectioner Ripple agreed to help rescue the girl... But only on the condition that he hand over the broach to Valentine. The boy complied and Ripple got Valentine to use it, with successful results. They rescued the girl, who turned out to be something of a go-getter who, with her brother's help, has been reaching out to other magical children and getting them to Ripple and Valentine. Valentine and Ripple have gotten to a point of understanding each other so well that it boarders on mind reading. An exchanged glance can convey a full sentence, add a few gestures and they have entire plan worked out, add a few words... And nobody but them knows what's going on. He loves to tease Ripple, much to Pyre's amusement. Tyler has told him more than once to just date Ripple.


きずな/KIZUNA しました
Sunnylucy しました
Tân Logic しました
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