Melody Rain Jiayin
/ ReversalRain - Band T-shirt
The oldest child of the village mechanic has a strong fascination with science and arts and loves to explore the world around them. You might find them looking up at the rain, climbing up a tree to sketch the sunset, or hear the faint harmony of piano music in the distance when they’re in a creative mood. They may or may not be the perpetrator responsible for vandalizing the understory's trees with various carving patterns. Like many others, they fear the darkness below the understory and its deep waters, but you'd have to give them some credit for helping their father maintain the paddles that churn the ocean's surface. Be wary, they might throw you a clever prank or sneak some notes out of your woodwind instruments while your attention is elsewhere.
Llyona Fang




My original character, Melody Rain Jiayin, for my multimedia band/webcomic "ReversalRain" Skin Variant: ReversalRain Band T-shirt 💙🌧️ Melody Rain Jiayin 🌧️💙 An artist, musician, and mechanic in training! 🎶 Instrument: Piano The oldest child of the village mechanic has a strong fascination with science and arts and loves to explore the world around them. You might find them looking up at the rain, climbing up a tree to sketch the sunset, or hear the faint harmony of piano music in the distance when they’re in a creative mood. They may or may not be the perpetrator responsible for vandalizing the understory's trees with various carving patterns. Like many others, they fear the darkness below the understory and its deep waters, but you'd have to give them some credit for helping their father maintain the paddles that churn the ocean's surface. Be wary, they might throw you a clever prank or sneak some notes out of your woodwind instruments while your attention is elsewhere.




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金魚KNG しました
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