Black Uradust
/ Black Uradust
• This is simply a 3D model appearance of myself, Black Uradust. Who am I? ☆ I am Black Uradust, The Bioweapon Goddess ! • Pixiv Digital Artist • Resident Evil Gold Ambassador • Veteran of the Resident Evil franchise. • Twitter user who talks about some anime, Madoka Magica, FLCL, and Watamote. Sometimes other anime as well. • Fan of horror games/RPGs. • Likes to watch anime. Character Objective • As Black Uradust, I strive to survive and fight against scumbag B.O.W.s and other monsters from any of those corporate bastards like the Umbrella Corporation. • Those hideous monsters will get a taste from my trusty companion magnum firearm, which I named it my "Fallen Moonlight".
🤍 MeowKoemi

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