Intars Vilks
/ Intars Vilks (Fl4m3_MC)

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Before you read the description, I have to clarify that I DO NOT support the war in Ukraine. Intars Vilks was born in the Latvian city of Riga on September 20th, in 2005. When he was 9, his parents divorced and he had to live with his mom as a result. In the spring of 2020, when the lockdown due to the pandemic was in place, he met his online friend Reiko Doroshenko, who is a half-Russian half-Japanese girl. Intars is a person who enjoys martial arts, and watching anime. He is a huge fan of Naruto, and western rap artists such as Tupac Shakur, Unknown T, Eazy-E, Marleek & MF Doom. Height: 5'8 (177cm) Languages: Native Latvian, Fluent Russian and Amateur English Occupation: High School Student Countries lived in: Latvia Countries visited: Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, and Russia First Anime: One Punch Man Favourite Anime: Naruto Favourite Singer/Band: Unknown T Favourite Song: Daily Duppy by Unknown T Body Count: 0 Family: Klaidis Vilks (Father) Ellena Vilks (Mother) Frensisa Legzdiņa (Grandmother) Friends: Juriks Puķītis/Bigg Pariah (Latvia) Helmūts Pretkalniņš/Grassnost (Latvia) Veiko Krievs/Chiniyaki (Latvia) Klāvs Birznieks/Bloopy (Latvia) Ginārs Koks (Latvia) ModifiedClient (Online) Laitaffy (Online) Reiko Doroshenko (Online) Skora (Online) Andrev (Online) Engood (Online)

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