/ Vroid用厚塗りスキン娘【無料配布版あります】

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作ってる間に夏終わっちゃった。。。 Boothにて無料版のスキンを配布してます。是非見てみてください!

BOOTH items on this model


1 year ago
Thank you for your info, I will be sure to check it out. As far as I know, don't Hack-type items cause irreversible alterations to the data that cannot be re-edited in VroidStudio? I suspect that is what keeps the average Vroid user away. I believe that the greatest strength of VroidStudio is that anyone can handle 3D data with ease and simplicity. I am sorry if this is an automatic translation and I apologize if it sounds rude. I appreciate your information and comments. Thank you!


by あぶ
by NT
by touka
by ぬい
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Characters tagged #BOOTH販売中
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