Puke Rokata
/ Puke Rokata
Powers: Vomit Projection




Puke Rokata is an ultimate student at Hope's Peak High and is the Ultimate Football Player. He is known to be foul, a buffoon, book dumb, a big bully, bossy, tough, arrogant, disrespectful, rude, picky, and down-right selfish. Puke (pronounce: Puu-keh) has been known to push around those who he sees a wimp, and always targets the easily bullied ones. However, there's a downside to him. Puke has been known to constantly throw up, projecting out of his mouth like a waterfall while making painful burps. You'll notice he's about to blow when his stomach growls harder than ever and Puke holding his stomach as it slowly expands to a small sized soft ball belly. This has been going on ever since he was born, due to his ability to project vomit. For years Puke hasn't been able to control it, so this puts a lot of pressure on him. He always bullies Darwyn Gonzales, a bullied kid, and treated him like he's the scum of the earth. However, after Darwyn lost both of his legs, Puke awkwardly came to apologize, but was soon insulted by Darwyn when bringing his deceased mother into the picture. This made Puke shed tears, knowing that the reason why he acts the way he does was because of not seeing his parents, and has no one to take his aggression on. Puke didn't came to school after that, feeling like his education no longer matters anymore and falling into a deep depression. Eventually, Darwyn came to visit Puke and was about to apologize and ready for what's to come, when he was surprised to see Puke treat him differently, and realizes that he caused serious harm towards him (something that Lauren Lake, Paternity Court judge, has pointed out). The two eventually forged a brotherly bond that can never be broken, and marking Puke as one of Darwyn's supportive allies. Puke, feeling more encouraged, came back to school to finish his school years. Fun fact: Puke is one of the football jocks that participated in Pamela's execution by becoming a stadium sized mass of blubber. Ultimate: Football Player


Luiz Fernando しました
Bry しました
Not Gay しました
Jubus0093 しました
Unknown User しました
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