its me again, now im posting scout drone
Link download: = Blend type file
About Drone:
this drone is extension of SSVT, use to scout enemy and mark target then send target location To SSVT also sending target for KH-V to get target lock, Drones deploy frist before SSVT, drone have strong camera zoom up to 82x time zooming.
Background Drone:
was use only to scout and target recon, number build 01, only use before ssvt deploy, 11 hour flight time for max fuel. own by
What ssvt? (check on my profile) Ssvt is mech spider like.
this file is free. use it freely and asmuch you want.
Both Drone and SSVT was made from 0, texture, 3d model and other in file is made manualy, thank for who download and like!
I have convert high model detail weapon an other thing, coment "yes" if you want the model tobe port into VRM model.