一号ちゃん[2022 remake]
/ 一号ちゃん(ichigo-chan)
現在公開中のうちの子『一号ちゃん』のリメイクです 戦場に潜むスナイパー( 'ω') 光学迷彩とギリーマントなんかも装備したりしてる( 'ω')

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自作アバター 自由に使用していただいてかまいません ☆再配布及び公開される際は必ずこのページのURLを提示してください☆ 利用報告不要ですが、Twitterに連絡していただけば飛んで喜びます ENG -Use DeepL Translate- Self-made avatars You are free to use them as you wish. Please be sure to provide the URL of this page when you redistribute or publish it. You don't need to report the use of this page, but if you contact me on Twitter, I'll be glad to hear from you.


by Farith
by 真美
by ItzHer
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If this is set to "YES", others can use this model according to the conditions of use set by its creator. Model data (VRM format) can be provided to other users, who can use it for various VR/AR platforms and other types of 3D content linked with VRoid Hub.
Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: YES/Corporate use: YES/Individual commercial use: YES - For-profit use (donations): YES/Modification: YES/Redistribution: YES/Attribution: Unnecessary