Hatsune Miku
/ Dress V1.0

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/!\ Please read the description /!\ - Vroid Studio : studio.vroid.com/ - Dwango UniVRM : github.com/dwango/UniVRM - VRMToPMX Converter : bowlroll.net/file/191067 - Furia VRMtoPMXExporter.unitypackage : twitter.com/flammpfeil/status/1032266829597573121 - My Twitter : twitter.com/akarimichi_ - My Hub Vroid account : hub.vroid.com/users/25108587 - My Booth account : akarimichi.booth.pm/ => Use for screenshot on MMD : - Raycast Shader : github.com/ray-cast/ray-mmd - Stage - Anime Traditional House by ChrnoDroid : www.deviantart.com/chrnodroid/art/MMD-Stage-Anime-Traditional-House-DL-391136041 - Pose by snorlaxin : www.deviantart.com/snorlaxin Conditions of use : - You have the right to use or modify the files, but I assume no responsibility for loss or damage. - You do not have permission to commercialize it or redistribute it. - Please specify my nickname if you presented it to the public "あかりみち@Akarimichi" Version : 2019.18.05 V1.0 - Character creation


by Evelyn
by sqzme
by MOM00D
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