Stellar Soleil

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Kisara The moon Raven, Shes a magical white Raven that was once a familiar of a Mage, who gained sentience and accidentally turned her master into a frog. She now tries (and fails) to use magic to find a way to turn her master back. (feel free to add your own Spin as you wish. Make sure to Credit me!) Please abide by my model TOS, -Do not Sell this model -Do not use For any Crypto Trading, Or NFTS of any kind -Do not claim this model as your work or your own, Even if edited, - Credit me for use, in a visible place, either with my twitter, or my Vroid hub profile. I am currently open for commissions~! check me out on twitter and this site for info~!

BOOTH items on this model

Stellar Soleil
6 months ago
You are unable to edit this avatar, it is premade as it
8 months ago
how do you edit? I’m new lol, looks great tho, love the hair


by 1 SDK
by Huh ?
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Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: YES/Corporate use: NO/Individual commercial use: NO/Modification: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Necessary