Tim Mochin
/ Tim Mochin
Age: 11-12 Species: Mutant Race: Caucasian/American Powers: Steatokinesis, Flatulekinesis Temporary Weakness: Destructive Hunger Frenzy




Former member of Mephistophiles' Followers, anti-antagonist, younger brother of Soro Mochin, and supportive character. At first, he was shown to be cocky, arrogant, hot-headed, bloodthirsty, and power hungry. However, after being defeated by the Future Foundation and scolded by Soro harshly after both got separated by the others and just themselves, he shows his more obedient, soft, and sensitive side who just wanted his brother's recognition despite Soro having a change of heart. He played as sidekick for Soro until both managed to escape from the Further and into their hideout: Sindri's home. There, he had to learn to be a blacksmith while thinking of the consequences he made, such as the murder of innocent people and his parents' death by the hands of their youngest son. All devoured. Soro eventually comforts his little brother after the deaths began to haunt him. It is later revealed that Tim never had a frenzy, and that it was Mephistophiles who triggered the already building rage. Tim eventually becomes a sidekick/side member of the Future Foundation. Powers: Steatokinesis: Tim can manipulate/alter the size of his own body fat. However, he cannot control it properly due to hunger frenzy. Flatulekinesis: Tim, known as Fat Skunk, can release flatulence that can result in disastrous affects, such as bringing down buildings releasing powerful winds and knocking out a person with their own gas. Depending on how big his rear gets is how much damage he can cause.




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