Rebecca Buck
/ Rebecca Buck
Age: 17-18 Species: Human Race: Caucasian American




A senior year student and deuteragonist. Energetic, chatty, outgoing, girly, loud, and obnoxious. She is Tara's best friend who sticks with her (Tara), while Tara's other "friends" discard her and her once current boyfriend dumping her upon the 2nd Scenario (Tara) and 3rd Scenario (Nancy). In both stories, she only joined the group to journey to England and find the hottest boys, unaware that Tara actually set up a flight to England to find a way to destroy Scissorman. Something she soon learns a little too late. In Tara's Final Scenario, Rebecca complains about the exterior and the Scissorman, as well as being left alone, but became convinced to stay once Tara explains how Scissorman doesn't care about a group of people, hoping that Tara will come back alive and safe and showing that she cares for her friend. In Nancy's story, Rebecca is hiding behind a wine shelf, losing all hope and complaining that Scissorman is gonna kill them anyways. However, she does become a helpful support after giving her the Mansion Key. In both stories, she is seen in the final confrontation and is shocked to see that the true culprit was Edward. After Edward's defeat, Rebecca begins to study literature and poetry while taking care of the library due to the original 2 owners being murdered by Scissorman.


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