Fleurir Fouché
/ エルフ吟遊詩人
【The credits are in the description. Terms of use are on the main page.】 芙勒莉珥・富歇是邊境戰士里少有的代替者。 Fleurir Fouché is the rare substitute among the frontier fighters.

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“︀The breeze can lead us to treasure.”︀ Note: Amiya Tadakiyo has updated this model; the latest version was released on February 2, 2025. Skin made by Kado: hub.vroid.com/en/users/76637545 Model originally made by A.P.: hub.vroid.com/en/users/32003875 Hair texture and irises made by クリア: hub.vroid.com/en/users/28395244 Clothing texture and stockings originally made by nayeon3013: hub.vroid.com/en/users/18918376 Wreath made by ReYa: hub.vroid.com/en/users/85060803

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Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: YES/Political, religous use: NO/Antisocial, hate use: NO/Corporate use: NO/Commercial use: YES/Modification: YES/Redistribution of modified: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Unnecessary