Fenix (Adventurer)
/ Fenix (Adventurer) V.9.3.3
"It's time for epic adventure's", Fenix can't resist the recall of the adventures, explore and discover new places... enter dark dungeons full of treasures, and who knows maybe face a terrifying dragon or a dark lord from a land cursed and shrouded in a mysterious mystical fog... but that doesn't stop Fenix because he is the one and only "Hunter Rayder"!




After the success achieved with Averline, I absolutely had to rework my Fenix Personal Avatar, and it was also an opportunity to try a blender add-on (Faceit) to automatically have the 52 blendshapes hai me I don't have an iPhone to test the feature but with another app for Android I tried a little bit to see how it worked, the tracking wasn't perfect but for better or worse it worked quite well, I'm really happy with the result, this model now represents me 100%, and I don't see the Looking forward to creating more templates like this in the future. Lived as a child in the forests of Grimmerwood near a village near Silverymoon, for a long time Fenix with his father and his teachings, he learned to refine the art of hunting and archery, together they were the guardians of a small community of elves in the woods and every day they perused the perimeter of the large forest that surrounded their village, checking that there were no strangers or bandits who want to attack. Fenix has never known his mother, he only knows that he was captured in a wild Drow attack in the wild borders, his father does not talk about it very much... only that he was a sorceress and he had met her on one of her journeys to the North, She had a great talent with spells, and they made a powerful duo together... but more than her father does not tell him much. Some of his mother's books and his studies on magic had remained in a trunk in his father's room... fascinated and intrigued Fenix practiced alone the use of magic, succeeding to master it... at the same time he studied a way to merge it into its arrows and its bow. But he was not well seen by many in his village... some were jealous of his talent and his great dowry both with the bow and the spells, in fact one day... His father was unjustly accused of stealing a relic from temple of the village dedicated to "Corellon Larethian", Fenix knew that this was not true, the council of elders then decided to exile him... but Fenix stepped forward offering himself in his place sacrificing himself for his father. He left the next day, taking with him his mother's books and his bow and arrows, he greeted his father, who before he left him, he bewailed in comfort, from that day Fenix wanders through the Faerûn helping others and looking luck... not knowing where to go.




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