

三姉妹の長女、大学生。 クールに見えるが、ただの妹大好きのお姉ちゃん。 三姉妹の中で一番の悪戯好き。 合気道を嗜んでいます。 りな「りまちゃんはちょろかわいい!!りかちゃんはおとかわいい!!」 --------- Her name is Rina. She has two younger sisters, Rima and Rika. She is a university student. She seems cool. However, she is not as cool as she looks. Since she loves two sisters too much, she often acts unexpextedly. She is the most mischievous in her three sisters. She plays Aikido. Rina said, "Rima-chan is easy kawaii. Rika-chan is gentle kawaii". モデル体型 身長:+0.1 胸の大きさ:+0.5 他の体型はデフォルトのままいじっていません。

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