/ Elena with ElFiLuJa
Hi, I'm Elena. I'm 21 years old and I'm in training to be a Pokémon Master. I love to be in proper attire (wherever I am), and neckties are my favorite accessory to put on. I have different outfits, almost every one of them has a necktie as part of it. I cannot immagine me being without them. I am the leader of ElFiLuJa (gaming crew). My favorite hobby is going out with my friends and have a good time.
Overlord Omega




Age: 21 Favourite hobby: Training to be a Master Despises: Persistent men, comments about gray hair (it's silver), trainers with evil intentions and abusive trainers Loves: Wearing neckties at any moment, being dressed up, looking good. Strengths: Healing, increased power, extended stamina, enhanded senses, fastened reflexes. Powers: Controled Black Hole, Biocurrent defence, Air Knifes, Fire dragon Enchantment, Elemental Control, Energy Shield and Full Aura Mastery Weakness: Prolonged battles can drain her physical energy much quicker, causing to rely on her Aura too much for longer periods of time... Doesn't want this: Insults and hurting her (will retaliate physically, causing permanent damage to adversaries). Lasting damage: Scars on left arm (covered with Rachel tattoo), deep cut in the right lef (Covered by tribal tattoo Prefers: Playing Ninja Gaiden Black and Sigma, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge Hates doing: Taking off her necktie at home (prefers to wear it every moment of the day), cutting her hair and putting make-up on her face.




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