Monkey D. Luffy
/ Luffy -Water 7 Arc (Hat up)

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yes, its that silly boy! I started watching one piece again and felt like i can pull of the style in VRoid, so i started the challenge ・∀・ Character belongs to Oda Eiichirō (尾田 栄一郎) ------- ☆ Users are allowed to use the model for private non commercial use and within common sense. ☆ Uses that go against common sense and morals, are harmful or illegal are NOT allowed. ☆ Additionally: sexual use is not allowed because Luffy is a fighter not a lover.

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by Uei G
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Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: YES/Sexual acts: NO/Corporate use: NO/Individual commercial use: NO/Modification: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Necessary