Pokey Bellows
/ Pokey Bellows
Age: 18-19 Species: Mutant Race: Caucasian/American Powers: Steatokinesis, Superhuman Strength




The 2nd born of the 12 Brothers, one of the main protagonists, and diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Despite his appearance, he is very gentle and childlike, as well as giving off numerous autistic-like behaviors. He is also very gluttonous. Unfortunately, his gluttonous appetite, resulting in horrendous acts of stuffing with no breaks or even to chew and swallowing it down, is that of a problem within the Bellows family. To be blunt, Pokey has an ability known as Fat Expansion: the ability to grow one's fat body rapidly into a more bigger size. And in Pokey's case, it's food that usually empowers this weird ability, depending on the calories and carbs the foods produce. And his favorite is junk food. His relationship with his brothers are often negative, since their annoyed with his slob behavior and growing fat that can almost take the entire room (not exaggerating), and irritated with his childish likes and wants. Especially how Pokey had to be homeschooled by their mother due to safety precautions. However, the adventures of stopping villains eventually grew the boys closer to one another, and accepted one another for who they are. Powers: Steatokinetic Applications: Food Empowerment: Eating even the smallest amount or even a single piece of food cause the body to grow twice as big. Unlimited Fat Growth: Can become large and obese in size and mass, even going as so far as to having limitless growth. Hyper Flatulence: Can emit strong winds of flatulence that can knock back even the heaviest of objects and people within the radius. This only occurs when he is enlarged and extremely obese. Fat Body Armor: Has a gorging obese body of fat blubber that can function like armor. Hyper Leap: Can leap great distances in his Obese State. Superhuman Strength: Has immense strength that can even lift up the heaviest of objects.


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