/ bil
Salomon Arpad




The most attractive elf in all of creation, Bil is a world renowned MMA Fighter. He represents his homeland, the Netherlands, in every single competition he enters. He is the perfect Dutch man, with a toned physique and attractive (and feminine) features. He has been dubbed the strongest man on Earth. He once strangled a Polar Bear to death just because he felt like it. He caused the K/T mass extinction just because he got bored and wanted to kill some dinosaurs. Rumour has it he killed Osama Bin Laden and, as opposed to what the media would like you to believe, shot Adolf Hitler at the end of WW2 and made it seem like Hitler did the deed himself. Every single night he is in bed with upwards of 12 people at once, alongside the fact that he has done all mothers that have ever and all mothers that will be. He even impregnated The Virgin Mary and is the biological father of Jesus Of Nazareth. Jesus even dyed his hair brown as an attempt to disassociate himself from his deadbeat, though luscious, father. The genes he inherited from his father allowed Jesus to create a group of followers which later bloomed into the religion we now call Christianity.


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