Molly Lisanna
/ Molly Lisanna
Age: 14 Species: Human Race: Caucasian/American/Navajo




A freshman student, popular school girl, bully, and antagonist. Spoiled, bratty, girly, picky, a huge jerk, childish, book dumb, and prideful. A narcissist who only loves very expensive things, wants to be on top of being the hottest girl, annoying, irritating, and difficult to handle let alone reason with, she's a perfect example of wanting nothing but money, stylish clothing, cute stuff, and to mock others that are not like her and is only nice to her rich friends. So long as their personalities match hers. She became ex-besties with Tara Akane and mocks her for "dating" with Okada Moro, who is overweight, gluttonous, gassy, a slob, and constantly tries to win Tara's heart to no avail, and for being a victim to Scissorman pranks (which turns out that Tara had been actually attacked and lost Rosa Byrnie, one of their friends, in the process). Even after hearing the death of Rosa, it doesn't phase her and saw her as a lost cause, showing that human life is less important than her wants. However, while supposed to be camping in the forest of England, she was chased off by Scissorman and then captured. Scissorman then force feeds her via a feeding tube in her mouth and grew large in size of fat. It only got worse for her as Scissorman left her alone inside the castle to chase after his main target, leaving her to grow into a master bedroom sized blob. Only her lingerie remain intact. After Edward (Scissorman)'s demise and the Burroughs Castle crumbled, the rescued team had to use a helicopter to carry Molly out. Now she's the one more fatter than Okada and more gluttonous, gassy, and worst of all, immobile.




Angel Dracko しました
Alex Castillo しました
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