英雄フッ素 Eiyū fusso
/ 英雄フッ素 Eiyū fusso's




my name is 英雄フッ素 Eiyū fusso's which is Japanese for Hero Fluorine. I am the distant descendant to an ancient king. I was born on August 10, 2003, I love football, Dango, manga, Sports, and cucumbers I love Cucumbers. I also dislike violence, ginger, and drama show. I am part of a football team call the わさびサッカーフリーズ Wasabi sakkāfurīzu Wasabi Football freeze for my school call cherry blossom high. one day I met up with my best friend ネオンライムスポーツ Neonraimusupōtsu after the football practice. But he tells me that he is going to hang out with his homies, I try to tell he that this is not the way to go, but he said the gang is planning to attack this rival gamg call the レモン禁止 Remon kinshi. I said why, then he said because the gang leader says so, and then he leaves upset I knew that gang is no good. sadly, one day when I was walking home after practice saw ネオンライムスポーツ Neonraimusupōtsu and is gang with knife, crowbar, lead pipe, baseball bat, and whip. and the gang it is the poplar group at cherry blossom high call the フラットホイップ Furattohoippu it's a group make up of 8 students in my school known for being bully, racist, sexist, homophobe, and know to Torture student that are part for the LGBTQ+ Community by using with whip and glass bottle, the whip are known to leave scars that last for live, and one time they use the whip on a transgender student and blind him, and they are rumors that his parents have kick him out for being trans and blind, and ネオンライムスポーツ Neonraimusupōtsu was a part for the group after he got bully by the then. I come up and tell him that they are bad influence, but the leader gives me a knife and tell me that this girl is talk smack so let's get ready to give her the death that she deserved. everyone in lemon balm high and in cherry blossom high have difference story and theory about what happen, but I know a bit for what happen the leader start attacking the leader first and then one of then takeaway his lead pipe, and my friend began a fight to the death, after I notice the chao unfold I was eventually knockout by one of the gang members. I was at the Hospital, when I finally gain Consciousness, I saw a cute girl she tells me her name is ChiMomo Najiki. she told me that my friend ネオンライムスポーツ Neonraimusupōtsu have been killed by a rival gang and tell me that I was the only Survivor from the attack. and she as go as far as trying to get me to the Hospital, she tells me that she saw me on the ground bleeding, so she tries to help me, then she also got attack by one of the gang members and that why she was so bloody, then I say I'm so grateful for you saving my live and I will be friends with you forever. Then after I recover for the Hospital ChiMomo intro me to Jiro, Mochiuo, Hanagasaku, and Koneko morī and immediately became friends, I still miss Neonraimusupōtsu to this day, but I now learn that a life of hate, bullying, and crime is a slippering path. I am going to spend time with my new friend and intro some of my friend to my football team Let's Burn the Froze.


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Cristian Dunga しました
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