/ 悪魔 の擬人化(小説12話登場個体)

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自身のなろう小説「朝、夢と夢で夢を見た」に登場する敵キャラの悪魔をモデルにしてみました。 実際に登場させている個体は孔雀のような見た目で、手が無数に生えているのですが、流石に気持ち悪い()のでぎりぎり人間に見えるような感じでモデリングしてみました。敵キャラなんかに丁度いいかも?です!
2 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. thank you for your reply. Her name is "devil" and it's okay. You are correct. I didn't think the CEO would like it either, so I'm really happy. I will comment here soon on my impressions of playing with the environment set up. Please wait
2 years ago
We translated it to Devil (correct?), apparently this was one of the first few character we had tried, our CEO (female) loved her! https://ccnstudios.itch.io/vrm-devil-webgl FireFox (fastest) and Chrome, only on PC or Mac. I will give you Android and the rest in our next build. W/A/S/D the usual movements + Space-bar is jump. Issue: I attached the camera and mouse the camera is too fast and smooth! In our new builds this is taken care of! Pay attention, please, to her ribbons and they are magnificent!
2 years ago
ONE REQUEST: We need English name for the character, hard for our users to type in Kanji on their mobile phones. Thank you
2 years ago
You need do anything, I already have the avatar in our RPG cloud and is working great, just need to make the game for your to test and the videos ....
2 years ago
May I give you permission? Or should I do something else?


by Keytto
by Kara
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