BOOTH Avatar Cafe Waitress Apron

BOOTH Avatar Cafe Waitress Apron

VRoid Project
XWear形式に対応した、「BOOTH Avatar Cafe」公式のエプロンコーデです。 VRoid Studioで着せ替えていただくことで、お好きなアバターに自動フィッティングで着せ替えできます! ※VRoid Studio iPad版は非対応です ▼VRoid Studio「XWear・着せ替え機能」とは -------------------- This BOOTH Avatar Cafe official apron outfit is compatible with the XWear format. This outfit is designed for VRoid Studio and allows auto-fitting to your favorite avatars! *The iPad version of VRoid Studio does not support this feature. ▼ About the VRoid Studio Dress-up Feature

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