/ 紅葉の小枝w
見た目はこども 実年齢はおとな そして精神年齢は見た目相応。 中学生の娘をもつ人妻主婦 日々家族を楽しませることを自分が楽しむことに情熱を燃やしている 自分が子供っぽいことをたびたびコンプレックスとしてネタにするが実は気にしていない フルネームは心野ほたる 夫マコト 娘ミナ

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Ringo🍎🍎🍎さんのとこのスクリプト利用させて貰いましたw アイテムは季節がら紅葉の小枝w カッケー武器を作りたかったけど流石にまだ時間が確保できん・・・ というわけで即席アイテムで紅葉の小枝w 紅葉狩りに行けない気分を少しでも晴らすっ!wwww スクリプトつかってみた所感としてはBlenderで付け替えるより楽っ! 付け替え先のボーン探すのが簡単だしなにより読込みが早いから作業がすぐ済みますねw いつもいいものありがとうございますw Ringo🍎🍎🍎さんw


4 months ago
@Meow ♪ Hahaha. I'm glad he sees me that way. In reality I'm just a flower farmer playing around with the computer skills I just learned lol
@Meow ♪
4 months ago
forgot to tell you, my hubby thought you were a computer tech guy, when I first showed him your creations, because he didn’t understand how you made them & was amazed lol😆
4 months ago
@Meow ♪ Other than flowers and fairies. That's true. Looking at them lined up again, I can see that what I want to make has changed. lol
@Meow ♪
4 months ago
lol your bats, clocks, ghosts, space ball & I did show him your sunflower bag, since it has animation 😄 your butterfly brooch he likes looking at jewellery, o & your laputa necklace 😋 he has no clue why it’s shooting lasers though, he never watched the anime lol also your coffee bath, since he loves coffee. also many more other stuff that you’ve created, that I probably forgot to put in the list 😋
4 months ago
@Meow ♪ That's nice, but... what kind of items of mine would excite your husband? Lately I've only been making flowers and fairies lol


by avalon
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