@eye of Udjat When capturing the model, the camera completely captures my face but shows a mouth that is too huge and the mouth is broken, the mouth is trying to jump out of the face
@eye of Udjat I have already created a similar face and added a wolf tail and fox ears. Your model was the prototype for creating a new creation. Thank you for the inspiration and I checked your model. You should make the mouth smaller, but I applied it and made sure that you didn’t change the mouth. It’s a pity!
@Designer3Dmodelsan (3/4)
The following is in Japanese
( https://hub.vroid.com/characters/4629477830484221666/models/393897684385853265 )
@Designer3Dmodel (2/4)
Next, Designer3Dmodel-san will dress the model you created to prove your purchase, register it on Vroid Hub, and write two links for "BOOTH items used" on the model page.
Once I have confirmed your purchase of these two items, I will email you a link to download the VRM file of the model on this page.
(I will use a free file transfer service called "giga-file-bin" ( https://gigafile.nu/ ) to transfer the VRM file.)
Please let me know if this method is possible.