


My name is やミス トピオ Ya misu topio, I hated Violences, noised, and Ice cream. I don't have any friends growing up. So, I became a cold, lonely and lashing out by using word at though who wrong me. I used to live in Sapporo, when I was 10, we moved to Tokyo and when to this school call lemon balm high, at first, I was a big a-hole like Disrespecting other people's opinions. Using swear words. And being a jerk. and I'm still and one right now. then I meet 餅魚 ライスデー Mochiuo raisudē and he became friends with me. until this girl call 血桃 な時期ChiMomo Najiki was stalking me, which is starting to creep me out, then after I used the bathroom, she held a knife at my throat and say, "what are you doing with my sempai". so, I give her an explanation on what she's doing is not just wrong but can ruin her life. So, she decided to spare my life. When she's walking way back, I pull the middle finger and I hope I never see her again. But sadly, that little psycho yandere was now friends with 餅魚 ライスデー Mochiuo raisudē. then I meet 青い 林 Aoi hayashi one day when I was visiting my brother at the anti-trans school. so, we became friends, but I have so strange feeling for her, so I admitted to her that's I'm a lesbian It's. It's because my parents. Don't think they'll set me if I'm a lesbian? Then I cried. And then she cheered me up they they'll still be friends, and one day. I will propose to you. I can't wait for that day.


玖玖 しました
Ariesta DPutra しました
Shuai しました
xoxomattxo しました
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