lol there’s actually a movie called Troll, on Netflix, I thought it was a sequel to
Troll Hunter, but it wasn’t 🥲
yeah I’ve watched the short on youtube before, but I can’t seem to remember
the story 🤔 might watch it again if it still on youtube, to refresh my memory 😋
if you’re into monster movies, The Host is pretty good too, it’s a korean movie
though, maybe you’ve already watched it? it was popular back then, I think..
o that’s right they had 2 versions, the one I watched was a full length movie,
it was a very strange movie 😂
I’ve seen Let The Right One In, that’s really good too, not sure about Troll 🤔 but I
have seen Troll Hunter, you have to watch it, if you haven’t already, wished I
saw it in cinema, it was so good 😆
I have not watched that - I found two Rare Exports films on the site I use to watch movies, and have added to my To Watch list. I quite like Nordic media btw (Troll, Let the Right One In), so this should be good 😊
yeah but yours would look cool & stylish, even if it’s casual wear 😋 lol that sounds
interesting, I would love to see evil santa 😯😆 I love horror, so..
talking about Krampus, have you ever watched Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale?