Mira Jetstone
/ Mira Jetstone
Age: 20 Species: Mutant Race: American/Caucasian Powers: Superhuman Strength, Hyper Leap, Durability




Mira Jetstone is a college student at Hope's Peak High. She is known to be blunt, straight-forward, a bit awkward-like, goofy, cheerful, energetic, cool, tough, strong, a bit smart, kind-hearted, and kind of arrogant. Mira has been known for her outlandish, tomboyish, and reckless acts, but she has a heart full of pure gold. There are times where she would be mistaken for a man, often getting hit on by other girls. And while her acts as a boy can be confusing, she is nevertheless a girl throughout the day, and her love for boys hasn't diminished nor stopped her from being who she is. Even males mistake her for a boy. Mira suffers from Gender Dysphoria, a genetic disorder that causes the person to look more like the opposite gender rather than what they were originally born with. But Mira sees this as of means to express her personality no matter how bleak her world/life is, and knows that she'll one day have a boy that loves her heart than her appearance. Terrace Makita, son of Xavier and Ruta Makita, would be be companions to each other as they journey to the Baker residence and survive the outbreak of the mold hidden within. After surviving, Terrace tried to spill out his confession for her love for her. However, he stuttered a lot and was making it difficult for him to do so. Fortunately, Mira smiled, knowing what he's trying to say, and kissed him, mouth to mouth, thus forging the relationship with one another. Currently, the two are still dating, and Mira is still being herself: hard-headed yet loving and caring towards others and her lover.




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Charlie Clark しました
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