╔━═━═━︽︾♚︾︽━═━═━╗ R•U•L•E•S please.. 1.Don't distribute my models❌ 2.do not use for purposes of 18+ [violence, sexual intercourse, etc.] (excluding models with 18+ installation)❌ 3.Don't edit my models❌ 4.do not exhibit my models under your own name,nickname❌ if you send somewhere (for display) a model, then mark me Aluria Casoru!!!! ❗IF I SEE THAT THE RULES HAVE BEEN VIOLATED, I CLOSE DL❗

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2 years ago
Could you DM me the download for it? I will follow all rules and even give credit
@Chris Faller
3 years ago
Can I please have a download
3 years ago
I want to download this
3 years ago
Would you let me download your springtrap skins? I make it clear to you that I will follow your rules from head to toe strictly if you like it I will wait for your reply patiently don't worry.
3 years ago
Can i please get the vrm of this springtrap version


by ?????6
by Kreo
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If this is set to "YES", others can use this model according to the conditions of use set by its creator. Model data (VRM format) can be provided to other users, who can use it for various VR/AR platforms and other types of 3D content linked with VRoid Hub.
Format: VRM 0.0
Conditions of use: Avatar use: YES/Violence: NO/Sexual acts: NO/Corporate use: NO/Individual commercial use: NO/Modification: NO/Redistribution: NO/Attribution: Necessary