Lambda Makita
/ Lambda Makita
Powers: Inhuman Strength, Superior Durability




Lambda Makita is the son of Xavier and Ruta Makita. He is known to be cheerful, a big brother figure, strong, tough, smart, and bold. Lambda has been a constant supporter to others and always focuses on everyone's priorities and not his own. However, he does get a huge load of pressure, carrying all the heavy lifting for whoever is in need of something. Though he acts all good and friendly on the outside, he is deeply hurting and depressed on the inside. His constant fears and anxiety slowly but rapidly began to show, after being infected with Las Plagas from Saddler few years ago and slowly growing weaker by the minute and first time experiencing heaviness from objects. Now extremely nervous, Lambda is beginning to break down every time he feels weaker and reached it's peak when Leon S. Kennedy asked Lambda to open the hatch, which Lambda reluctantly obliged. Lambda failed to do this, of course, and broke down into tears weeping and beginning to cough up a bit of blood. Leon, who was now skeptical, decides to keep a close eye on Lambda and his condition. After watching the "Happy Birthday Ada Wong" videotape, Leon notices a similar device from Spain and, with no hesitation, has Lambda sit in the operating chair and analyzed his body. This confirms that Lambda was indeed infected with Las Plagas and booted up the machine, which removed the parasite from his body. 6 months later, after faking their deaths, Lambda began feeling his strength and powers returning and feeling his normal self again. After defeating Derek Simmons, head of Neo-Umbrella, Lambda is currently living with his family once again, giving himself more time to relax and cool down until he's ready to help out again.




Jason Russo しました
Jorge Souza しました
Akash Sharma しました
RJGAMEZ2468 しました
DevPix しました
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