Frozen Damian
/ Frozen Damian




Fullname:Damian Parker Alias: Frozen Damian DOB: 12 July 2007 Age: 14 year old DOD: 10 December 2021 Love Interest: None for the moment Personality: When he was alive Damian was joyful and kind boy very helpful to other but a bit arrogant,he did love the outdoor since his family always go camping and travel to other country,he doesn't like when someone hurt and bully others as he always protected them.He was always playful alive but when he died frozen abandoned in a ice cave by someone who kidnapped and left him to died,he became a vengeful ghost who haunted the cave he was abandoned in as people do see his angry stare and will stop nothing to haunt them. Appearance: When he was alive Damian had pale peach skin,and dark blue eyes and wear green lime rolled up sleeves hoodie with the shadow logo of a wolf,wear short pants who are color black with black and white shoes on his feet and red hair.His outfit didn't change after his death but his skin is now ice blue,his are also ice blue when he became a ghost haunting the ice cave. Bio: Damian is born in a wealthy family and his parents did raise him with love,the boy grew up as a good student of all his school,he did love his family and go everywhere with them as they pleased.He was always a good boy never had trouble with anyone but some did bully him but he was always defending himself,of course good things never end last same if did have some friends and neighbors who like him,some people didn't and find him weird how he was always wearing a hoddie because he like them.One day when he was walking home from school someone stop beside him in his car he wanted him to go inside but Damian refuse,but the man was not about to take "No" for an answer and attack him. After that Damian woke up in a ice cave as some men we're talking,he asked them they do this as they beat him up explaining why they do this him despite the two adults having coat Damian was still wearing his summer clothes and was cold and shaking as the two man laugh looing at him,of course Damian was feeling a little weak and feel his body freezing has the man still laughing hurt him even more,but Damian was on the verge of crying as he 's screaming has his captors still laughing at him. Some moment later Damian didn't feel anything anymore as the two men stop laughing and look at what they done,Damian body was now blue as ice but instead of helping the two men run away scared that someone found them and see what they did,leaving the boy to froze to his death. Damian was now a ghost after his death one year later when his family did gave up the search,some people visiting the ice cave said that they did heard the voice of a boy screaming in pain and calling for help,they also see him appear in front of them with his angry eyes and shout that they we're the one who did this scaring the living hell out of people he is still haunting the ice cave for years to come.


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