She's a latex loving clown who can't help but be a cutie. She literally loves everyone, and wants the world to know she'll do anything to get people to smile. She can often be found working at soup kitchens, helping at retirement homes using her magic, goofing off in the park while climbing trees, and feeding the birds, and doing lots of tricks. She's a balloon enthusiast, she loves balloons so much that all of her furniture is inflatable. She will do everything in her power to bring joy to the world. That's not to say she doesn't get annoyed. Pins make her mad, she hates sharp objects, and will turn them into balloons before scolding whoever dared bring a knife to a balloon fight.

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Cute clown girl. I modified the free latex suit to get this look.

BOOTH items on this model

4 months ago
How to add latex effects: Make a separate layer for your body suit, and set the blend type to "additive" or another setting that makes light colors brighten parts of the main texture, then simply edit onto the main texture. Make sure the additive layer uses the black latex texture.


by Quacks
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