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@Meow ♪
lol you’re so funny 😆 yeah I chose the not too scary story, for you to read, there’s actually a much scarier short story, not sure if I should show you that one though lol 😆 that’s strange maybe it only works on laptop & pc now, I wonder if it still works on the phone 🤔 the sound use to work on the ipad, maybe they didn’t update it or something.
@Meow ♪ I managed to read it lol I was reading it thinking it wasn't a horror at all, but then it came up at the end lol I thought it was a stalker horror movie until halfway through. I watched it on my PC and there was sound. I couldn't translate it on my PC alone, so I used the translation camera on my smartphone. My arm got tired lol
@Meow ♪
o I remember reading that, but never finished it, I think it was around the time, when I started playing the farmville game, I did stop reading manga for a while, since I was too busy looking after my farms lol 😆 I show you one of their short stories, this one is not too scary, but don’t look at it,  if you are easily scared lol you have to keep scrolling down to read, but it’s all in  english, they don’t seem to have it in japanese 🤔 but I guess you can still look at the pictures lol  the sound doesn’t seem to work on the ipad, it’s been many years, that I last used this website, so I’m not sure if they got rid of the sounds, or maybe it’s for phone only?  https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/chiller/possession-yongseok-jo/viewer?title_no=536&episode_no=4
@Meow ♪ Wow! The Care Bears Halloween is so cute lol I guess Kazuo Umezu's most famous work is... Drifting Classroom? It's a manga, but it makes sounds and moves!? Wow! This is also the future lol
@Meow ♪
lol yeah, I got the idea from my care bears 😆 I have the pumpkin witch one lol https://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IHSlu4Ux0co/maxresdefault.jpg&tbnid=R4re9WNar75UmM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v%3DIHSlu4Ux0co&docid=7VGtEpEXn3dPIM&w=1280&h=720&itg=1&hl=en-ie haha.. what was it called? I’ve might of read it already, I have read some of his works too, I love horror, but asian horror is way too scary for me to watch, it’s too realistic for me, but I don’t mind reading horror manga. online korean horror comic is even more scary to read, it has sounds & some of the picture moves lol


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