Endrie Enderman
/ Endo Endomakito
Powers: Teleportation




Endo Endomakito is, you guessed it, an enderman and a student at Hope's Peak High. Love for art and skilled, he is not to be trifled with when it comes to his talent, since he is known as the Ultimate Crafter. Calm, collective, elegant, wise, smart, sharp, and witty, Endrie is one caring student anyone can hang out with, so long as you do not stare at him for too long. Fortunately, he'll scold you not to do that, as he is understanding and considerate. Posture of both masculine and feminine, Endo's creepy yet intelligent personality knows no bounds. Endo's motive was to collect as many materials needed for art, even if he needs to spill blood for it. This caused him to murder 2 ultimate students and dispose any evidence leading towards him. Fortunately, Chi Makita, the main protagonist, managed to get enough evidence to pin the entire 2 crimes on Endo, and despite his best efforts of trying to deny it, decides to give in to defeat and confesses. The votes proved right, and Endo confesses his one motive: obsession with art of perfection. Composed, he deeply apologizes for his crimes and thanks Chi for opening his eyes to the truth. Endo spent 3 weeks of his punishment, which was called the Enderman Bedrock Trap Punishment, blocked off inside behind bedrock and his teleportation neutralized thanks to Cat's special watches. He then returned as a normal student of Hope's Peak High and becoming one of Chi's supporters. Ultimate: Crafter




Mov しました
CyberHunterJack しました
Alexandre Mega しました
Zuri Minamoto しました
BlackFlame しました
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