Lily Elizabella Lovelight
/ (Beta) The Royal Geo-Elemental
On Junost 28th, 1,014 B.R., at 1:11 AM Rumerian Central Time, Princess Lily Elizabella Lovelight, daughter of Queen Heather Hannah Lovelight and King Matías Baris Lovelight, was born at the Grand Hospital for the Supernatural in Capitol City, Unified Nations of Rumeria as an Intersex Female baby. Her parents decided to keep her that was so that she can decide for herself but when the time came, she decided to keep herself as is but be referred as a woman. At the age of 24, her then-wife Gracie Thalassys Lovelight gave birth to their child Princess Aurora Violet Autumn Lovelight.




Similar to her wife, Gracie's outfit, her pure Elemental Outfit comes out when she's at full power. The outfit represents her connection to Gaya, the Goddess of the World! Lily is a strong, independant young woman who's extremely blunt and has almost no filter whenever speaking. If she thinks of it, 99% of the time, it comes out of her mouth. She used to be a Guardian of Earth, which are a bunch of elementals chosen by the Gods to be given magical abilities to transform into their higher self for a short amount of time which is generally used to save others, themselves, or both. Lily, however, quit the team because she got too ambitious and she thought they were holding her back. Whenever Lily's truly commited to something or someone, she will always be there for them through the thick and thin, even if they accidentally wipe out all life in the local multiverse because of her good nature that is sometime altered by her ADHD and thinking that she can do anything because she's a Chosen One of sorts. She believes everyone can change because her father was once evil but turned good after a while with the help of Lily. Lily is also married to Gracie Thalassa Lovelight who had two children with her, all of which have supernatural abilities that she helped teach them to harness!





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