Jin-Kei Kumaki
/ The Return Of Jin-Kei
Tatyana TV




Before Jin-Kei was a Killer: the day Jin-Kei was born his parents were so excited to have their first child. Things are going great that is until one day when Jin-kei was walking home from school his mom told him that his dad left him for someone else Jin held his mother tightly. The next night Jin heard his father step into the house through the back door jin overheard his parents' argument then all the sudden he heard his dad's muffled screams. Jin immediately ran downstairs to see what was going on he saw his father tied up to a chair while his mother was holding a kitchen knife. His mother told Jin to stop his father because what he did the family. Jin knew what the dad did was wrong so he took the kitchen knife and stabbed the father in his chest. And his last words were ''it wasn't me" Jin got even more angry and started stabbing his father repeatedly he dropped the kitchen knife and hugged his mother tightly. The next day at school during lunch time there were a lot of kids that really didn't like Jin they would always talk about how strange he was and his bullies would even mimic him that is until a boy named Yoshio uruso saw Jim sitting all by himself so he walked up to him instead of chatting with him but Jin didn't say anything then Yoshio said ''dont worry about what the other kids say they're just stupid rumors and besides how harmful can a little 9 year old boy be?" Jin smile that Yoshio and started chatting together Jin Yoshio about his home his family then Yoshio said "it's great what about your family?"as soon as he said that Jin's smile disappeared. Then Yoshio said"oh I probably shouldn't have asked that. Jin-kei quickly responded with ''its fine''barely even giving Yoshio time to finish his sentence. And that is the story of Jin-Kei Kumaki


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