Shiro Ki is a God of wishes. When he was a child, he always commands everyone's wishes. But when he turned 20, he died because a weapon sliced him. When Shiro went to heaven, the Lord gave him a second chance to live again and made Shiro a God of Wishes. But he told him to not expose his powers, not tell the others that he is a God of Wishes, and not say that he went to heaven or that the Lord gave him a second chance.




Shiro Ki is a God of wishes. When he was a child, he always commands everyone's wishes. But when he turned 20, he died because a weapon sliced him. When Shiro went to heaven, God gave him a second chance to live again and made Shiro a God of Wishes. But he told him to not expose his powers, not tell the others that he is a God of Wishes, and not say that he went to heaven or God gave him a second chance. Conditions of use: Violence: YES/This character is made for violence. Sexual acts: NO/He is 1000+ years old but I do not allow sexual acts for him. Please only use Shiro Ki if you are planning a game, making a skit, going to make him your vtuber avatar or VR chat avatar, and so on. Do NOT claim that he is your avatar. If you use him, please credit me.




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