Lorraine Jolie Cyr
/ ReversalRain - Theater
The Chief Council’s Advisor originally started out her career as a world-famous opera singer. Nowadays, she manages the Cybrris Village theater as part of the Cultural Affairs program. As a direct descendant of the Cyr clan, she diligently ensures that all her students can access resources to pursue their artistic passions. You might find her conducting orchestra rehearsals or directing theatrical shows in the Upper Canopy. In these ensembles, her high expectations might be a little intimidating. As a fashionista, she often arrives sporting the latest styles, designed by her own beloved daughter.
Llyona Fang




My original character, Lorraine Jolie Cyr, for my multimedia band/webcomic "ReversalRain." She is the mother of Expexes Juneti Cypo. 🎤🎭 Lorraine Jolie Cyr 🎭🎤 The Chief Council’s Advisor originally started out her career as a world-famous opera singer. Nowadays, she manages the Cybrris Village theater as part of the Cultural Affairs program. As a direct descendant of the Cyr clan, she diligently ensures that all her students can access resources to pursue their artistic passions. You might find her conducting orchestra rehearsals or directing theatrical shows in the Upper Canopy. In these ensembles, her high expectations might be a little intimidating. As a fashionista, she often arrives sporting the latest styles, designed by her own beloved daughter.


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